Commissioners Present: Carl Blanchard, Andrea Johnson, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Anne O’Connell, Jeff Odell, David Valcourt


Others Present: Mark O’Brien, Bill O’Brien, Bill Meehan, Sean Sullivan, Donna Potts, Jane Samiotes and Jay Packett




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Update on Golf Operations (Mark O’Brien)

Financial Report

Membership numbers are strong and will surpass budget for May and June. New Member numbers are up including 64 new non resident members.

Membership play is up 15% for May compared to Last Year.

Current Operations remain in phase 1 while there is hope that new guidelines may be forthcoming. Captains GC is following State issued guidelines in all regards. Alternatives to raised cups were discussed. There are available options, being used elsewhere, which would still eliminate a touchpoint but  which would provide a more natural putting experience. Mark will look into these alternatives.

Cart Use is still restricted to those with approved disability issues. It is possible that single rider carts may be allowed by Friday, May 22. Mark and his staff will be ready to have a program in place to meet cart use guidelines by then.

Maintenance has gone to full time this week, working seven days a week. This will allow for weeding the bunkers and having daily cup, tee and bunker work done.

Staffing for grounds is fine with all seasonal and full timers returning.

Staffing for the Pro Shop is very limited in phase 1. Mark has enough to staff phase 2 when that goes into effect.

Phase ll has not been decided upon by the State but there is hope for a revision soon that will allow carts. Members will be allowed to bring guests starting Friday, May 22. Non Members will be able to book a tee time one day in advance beginning on the 22nd. Hoping to see revisions that allow for Grab & Go and restrooms. Mark will post a scorecard that can printed on the website. Some discussion about relaxing ADA requirements for carts. Mark and his staff are hoping that with a revision that would not be

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necessary and would be outside the guidelines. Mark will craft a local ruling allowing improvement of lie in the bunker since there will be no rakes throughout the season.



Freeman’s Grill (Sean Sullivan)

Renovation is complete. At this time opening even for Grab & Go is prohibited. Hoping for a revision by Monday, May 25 that would allow some opportunity to provide food. Sean will meet with Peter Lombardi to discuss terms of the lease during the pandemic. Hoping to get open in some capacity soon and will be ready with appropriate safety measures. Support from Members has been terrific.


Association Play (Mark O’Brien)

Association play will begin June 4.


Questions and comments from the Associations (Bill O’Brien (Mens Golf Association), Donna Potts (Ladies 9-Hole), Jane Samiotes (Ladies 18-Hole)

Concerns from all groups about availability of block tee times. Mark assured all groups will have the same time block as 2019. Men’s Golf Association will now collect their own prize money. The 9-Hole Ladies will still play both courses. Question about posting scores for handicaps with raised cups. Mark assured that Mass Golf wants scores posted remotely from now on with current course conditions.


Update on Superintendent Search (Mark O’Brien)

Mark announced that the search for a new Superintendent has been suspended. Hoping to begin the search in October or November. In the meantime staff have all necessary licenses and Mark  feels confident in the Maintenance Department at this time.  Concerns were raised by several commissioners as well as attendees about this strategy and whether the financial savings were worth the potential risk to the course.  It was expressed by members of the commission that any deterioration of course conditions could have a significant negative impact on revenues.



Cart Supply when course is operating ‘normally’ (Mark O’Brien)

Mark asked the Commission for guidance because when carts are allowed and restricted to a single rider there will not be enough carts to meet demand on most days. Should it be a first come first served situation or should a reservation system be put into place. The commission agreed that reservations are needed and pre payment was also necessary. Associations are responsible for getting cart use needs to the shop ahead of time so reservations can be made accurately.


Refund Requests (Anne O’Connell)

Refund policies for one and two year memberships were read. 5 written requests were read. It was noted that none of the 5 had played any golf so no adjustments would be necessary.

Each of the 5 requests was voted upon. All motions were made by Jeff O’Dell, seconded by Carl Blanchard and resulted in 7-0 votes in favor of a refund.


Credits (Anne O’Connell)

After reading the information regarding Credits from the Member Information and Guidelines, and after discussion it was decided that there was no need for any credits to be issued.


Revised Membership Fees (Anne O’Connell)

On 12/16/19 the Selectboard voted to approve the fee structure submitted.

After discussion it was decided that no revisions were necessary.


Communication Update to Members (John Kissida)

John feels that based upon the success of recent communications with the membership that a “State of the Captains” be sent to all members at the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2020. After some discussion about getting our Marketing Firm involved it was decided that Wynn would reach out to them for guidance after Revisions to Operation Process have come out . John and Dave would begin work on a piece to send out and it will remain an agenda item for June 9 meeting of the Commission.


Additional Questions and comments from Associations (Bill O’Brien (Mens Golf Association), Donna Potts (Ladies 9-Hole), Jane Samiotes (Ladies 18-Hole)

Suggestion to include new local rules dealing with raised cups and bunkers in the next communication piece. Also include new handicap posting information.

Approve Minutes

Minutes from meeting 3/10/20 with two corrections:

David Whitney, Selectboard and Vote to adjourn was 5-0


Motion to approve corrected minutes Jeff O’Dell

Seconded by Carl Blanchard

Vote 7-0


Topics that the Chair did not Reasonably Anticipate ( Anne O’Connell)

Jeff O’Dell asked that the Solar Projects be added to the Agenda for the meeting on June 9, 2020.


Future Meetings-

June 9, 2020

4pm remote meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff O’Dell, seconded by Carl Blanchard, and passed 7-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm

















Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
