Commissioners Present: Anne O'Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Ed Pavlu, Cindy Bingham, Marc Fontaine, Carl Blanchard, and Judy McCarthy.


Others Present: Mark O'Brien (Director of Golf Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Jerri Carlin (Friends of the Captains), Jackie Ferraguto (Women’s 9-Hole Assn.), Pat O’Keefe (Women’s 18-Hole Assn.), and Jo O’Connell.


This meeting was held at the Captains Golf Course and was not televised.


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Announcements:


  • Jerri Carlin stated that the Women’s 9-Hole Association is now done for the season and she thanked all for a great year.
  • Jerri Carlin stated that the Friends of the Captains are considering future projects such as: warm up net; enclosures for port-o-johns; and trash cans for the course.   
  • Pat O’Keefe stated that the Women’s 9 & 18-Hole Associations were having their Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 5th.


Correspondence & Suggestion Box:


  • Anonymous – request for more outhouses on the course. After discussion it was decided that we have an adequate number.   


Superintendent’s Report (Pete Ervin):


  • Winter prep and equipment maintenance going on.
  • Leaf clean-up taking place every day.
  • Down to 10 staff.
  • Starting fall cultural practices.
  • Spraying greens for snow mold and top dressing them.
  • Port 7 & 8 greens will be deep-tined this winter.
  • Verticutting fairways to reduce thatch.
  • Tree removal project near tees and greens is ongoing.
  • Will be doing some early order for chemical and fungicide.
  • The irrigation system blow out will be done next week. Jon Greene, the irrigation tech has been doing a great job.
  • The tee and sink hole project started on November 7.
  • The municipal aeration agreement is still being evaluated.   


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


·         Mark O’Brien reviewed the financial report for October. We are on target to hit projections.

·         Cindy Bingham asked why it appears that the other town’s municipal golf courses have lower expenses than Captains. Mark O’Brien responded that it is hard to compare the expenses because we do not know what the other towns include in their reports. However, the revenue line items are easily discernable and provide a fair comparison. The Captains shows much higher revenues than all the other towns and even after showing higher expenses, generates a higher profit before debt service than all the other towns.

·         Mark O’Brien presented a proposal for rates for 2015 for greens fees, cart fees, range fees, and rental clubs. All rates are proposed to stay the same with the exception of the range fees. Those changes are addition of a “warm up” bucket for $3; small bucket increased from $5 to $6; large bucket increased from $8 to $10; and 5 token price increased from $20 to $24. Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Marc Fontaine, to approve this proposal. Motion approved unanimously.

·         Cindy Bingham asked how the NEIGA tournament went. Mark O’Brien stated that the tournament was a big success. The players and coaches raved about the course and were very appreciative of all the volunteers.   




·         Memorial Benches – Mark and Pete have not decided on the bench type as yet.

·         Painting – the original contractor that submitted a quote will not be doing the work. Mark O’Brien has contacted Cape Cod Tech and is waiting to hear back.

·         Mark O’Brien distributed a first draft of the FY2016 budget to be discussed at the next meeting.     


2015 Rates:


  • Various ideas were discussed including Carl Blanchard’s proposal from last meeting, a proposal from Jeff Odell, a special introductory rate for new non-resident members, and a $50 increase for the resident “Early” category. It was decided that the next meeting will be devoted to a discussion of the budget and membership rates.      


Discuss Possible Future Agenda Items:


  • FY2016 budget.
  • Membership rates.


Approval of past meeting minutes:


  • Jeff Odell made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2014 meeting, seconded by Cindy Bingham. Motion approved 7-0-0.


Topics the Chair did not anticipate:


  • None.


The next meeting will be held on December 9, 2014 at the Town Hall. Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Marc Fontaine to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 pm.    


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
