Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), David Valcourt (Vice Chair), Girard Healy, Andrea Johnson, Jim Juras, Anne O’Connell

Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Course Superintendent), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee), Dave Whitney (Selectboard), Chris Hardy, Victor Wolejko (Friends of the Captains), Rob Harris (Cape Cod Men’s Golf Association), Cindy Davey (Women’s 9-hole Golf Association), Mary Berzinis (Women’s 18-hole Golf Association)


This meeting was video recorded. The meeting may be viewed at Golf Commission 11-12-2024


  • Call to order.


  • Declaration of a quorum – Six commissioners were present.


  • Meeting participation statement


  • Recording Statement – As required by the Open Meeting Law, we are informing you that the Town will be video and audio taping as well as broadcasting this public meeting. In addition, if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting, they are required to inform the Chair.


  • Public announcements and comments – none.


  • Update on Financial and Golf Course Operations – Jay Packett
    1. Budget status—We are slightly below last year’s level. The primary reason for this is the transfer to the Capitalization Fund, which is expected to stabilize our position once it is completed. Electricity is higher due to the lack of separation from the Irrigation Pump billing. Fertilizer costs have dropped due to the new equipment.
    2. October – We are more than $61k ahead of October 2023. Green fees and cart fees both increased.
    3. Calendar Year – We are $346k ahead of 2023. Membership, green and cart fees, and snack bar rent have all increased.
    4. Projections – Wages increased because there were 3 pay periods in October.
    5. Fiscal Year – We are $279k ahead of where we were in 2023.
    6. Rounds Played – October 2024 is the third-highest month we have had since we went to 36 holes.
    7. Calendar year Rounds Played – 83,385
    8. A discussion regarding the credit card cost budget occurred, which was discussed during the financial forecast.
    9. Off-Season Update – the cart barn water, restrooms, and water fountain on Port and the driving range have been turned off. Several projects are in the queue to begin.


  • Update on Golf Course Conditions, Winter Projects, and Staffing – Colin
    1. Staffing – Full union staff and 3 seasonal workers are still on board. A master mechanic remains out on medical leave. Maintenance staff works well together.
    2. Weather – Frost delays are expected this time of year.
    3. Courses – Leaf cleanup occurs before 9 AM; however, due to the winds and the time of year, this task remains an ongoing challenge. The courses will have alternating closures throughout November. The Starboard course will be closed for the winter. Ongoing winter maintenance is being carried out to ensure better conditions come spring. Yellow family tees have been ordered, and repairs to the bunkers and cart paths will begin soon.
    4. A question was raised about having tee markers on Port for the off-season, which will exist. This will be mentioned when players check-in.


  • SOC Update – Anne and David
    1. It will be sent out on 11.13.24.


  • Update on Calendar – Jim
    1. The status of obtaining online access for the calendar has not occurred.
    2. Doors and windows are to begin mobilization on 12.2.24.


  • Financial Forecast Update and Meeting Schedule – Jay Packett
    1. The Financial Forecast meeting is scheduled for 11.13.24. A spreadsheet has been created and the plan is to finalize the information to be presented and send to the Golf Commission in advance for review.


  • Discussion on Daily Rates, Cart Rates, Membership Fees, and Non-Resident Membership limits
    1. Daily Rates – rates were reviewed and discussion regarding the breakdown of proposed rates and times occurred.
    2. Daily Rates – A conclusion is needed by the December 10th
    3. Cart Rates – suggesting an increase for members only due to the current comparatively high non-member rate.
    4. Membership Fees – A 6% increase is proposed.
    5. Non-Resident Membership – Adding non-resident members was discussed.
      1. Rob Harris spoke regarding non-resident membership and shared his calculations on the impact of increasing non-resident membership at the course.
      2. Chris Hardy shared her opinion on opening the non-resident membership to a larger group.
    6. Outing Rates – A $5 increase to the rates was proposed.


  • Maintenance Building OPM Update – Andrea and David
    1. The four organizations that are being considered provided RFQs on 10.23.24.
    2. Interviews are scheduled for 11.14.24


  • Questions and Comments from Association and Liaisons
    1. Friends of the Captains – Vic Wolejko provided an update on the group’s work over the past three weeks. Jay Packett offered appreciation and thanks to the Friends of the Captains for their support to the golf employees and the Turkey Shoot.
    2. Women’s 18-hole Golf Association – Mary Berzinis presented a letter written by members for continued use and further adoption of Golf Genius Premium to The Captains.
    3. The suggestion of Golf Genius Premium will be added to the agenda of a future meeting for further discussion.
    4. Cape Cod Men’s Golf Association – Rob Harris stated that the Men’s Association is also interested in Golf Genius Premium.


  • Review and Approve Minutes – 10.8.24 & 10.22.24
    1. Minutes were reviewed and approved.


  • Future Agenda Items and Meetings
    1. No meetings will take place on 11.19.24 or 11.26.24
    2. Financial Forecast will be presented at the meeting on 12.10.24.
    3. Regularly scheduled meeting for 12.24.24 will not occur.


  • Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair


  • Adjournment

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
