Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), John Kissida, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent,), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Terry Ivester (Women’s 18 Hole Association), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Susan Olin (Women’s 9 Hole Association)




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – Five Golf Commissioners present and accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment – Peggy McEvoy – Friends of Captains has put up 12 bird houses around the course and raised an estimated $1,369 in donations for the food drive and Friends will send an additional donation when the amount is determined at the planning meeting for Friends tomorrow. Jay Packet commended the Friends of Captains for organizing the food drive and thanked them all.


Anne O’Connell – noted that there was a possibility of a second night of Town Meeting, so the agenda was deliberately kept sparse.


Superintendent’s Report – Colin Walsh – noted the range signs with yardage markers will be set in the spring so they will not be weathered all winter long.  They are in complete leaf clean up mode.  Maintenance crews are working on sod projects around the course.  Working on bunker faces on holes 8, 17 Starboard and holes 6, 15 on Port.  Sink hole repair is ongoing as well.  Irrigation system is completely blown out for the season and repairs are underway.  Captains was able to use less than 50.1-million-gallon water use total., using only 48.5 million gallons.  They will be working on repairing cart paths shortly and a lot of the seasonal workers will continue to be laid off.


Director’s Report – Jay Packett – Reviewed the month of October financials.  October FY23 is down $23,000 versus FY22, mainly due to greens fees and cart fees being down and this was anticipated.  Calendar year for 2022 versus 2021, Captains golf course is up almost $600,000.  For the fiscal year of 2023 Captains Course is up approximately $150,000 overall versus FY 22.  Play totals for the month of October were down slightly versus last year. Calendar year play totals sit at just under 84,000 rounds through October.  Jay Packett noted that the month of October is showing a loss and wanted to note that the Town paid Octobers Health insurance as well was billed for November’s Health Insurance on October 31st.


Review and Approve 2023 Golf Course Calendar of Events – Jay Packett reviewed the Calendar of Events for 2023 month by month – Please see meeting packet for calendar.

Additional notes for Mass Senior Four Ball – Monday May 22nd and Tuesday May 23rd. Two-day event – two waves of tee times each day – will be good exposure for the course and good monetarily with cart fees and food stipends.  Anne O’Connell noted that there will be a need for clear communication on this event with the membership.  Discussion followed on the different calendar events. Congratulations given to Dave Valcourt for officially retiring.  Jay Packett will reach out to Town Hall to determine the date of the Annual Town Hall meetings and see if there will be any conflicts.  Jeff Odell motioned to approve the 2023 calendar as presented this evening with the necessary subsequent date changes being at the discretion of the Director of Golf – Motion unanimously approved. Noted that the Gannon Event is not currently on the calendar but will be brought to the Golf Commission for approval when the dates are obtained.


Course Operations and Concerns – No further questions or concerns.


Update FY23 HVAC Project (Jeff Odell) – Jeff Odell noted the finances got approved last evening and the contract was planned to be signed by end of day today.  The next step would be the scheduling meeting.  Jay Packett clarified that the Pavilion HVAC system is not being touched – there is a unit in the hallway by the conference room, and then two units in the kitchen and restaurant.


Other Strategic Planning Updates (Commission)

            Tee Box Improvements (Andrea Johnson) – Andrea Johnson noted that this winter 3 tee boxes will be worked on.  Forward tee boxes on Starboard 4, 8, and 14 will be enlarged allowing more flexibility within the tee box area.  It was noted that the forward tee project will begin next winter. John Kissida discussed the decision process on selecting these tee boxes and that the idea was to address more tee placement opportunities for both the red and gold tees. Colin Walsh noted tee box #6 on the Starboard Course is heavily crowned and they will look at leveling it this off season.


John Kissida noted that Peter Lombardi had reached out and said that the Maintenance building study RFP should be out next week.


Dave Valcourt and Anne O’Connell spoke about how to get information about what the course does for the Town to the people who are not on The Captains mailing list.  Dave Valcourt suggested and editorial. Jeff Odell noted The Captain’s importance in the Nitrogen reduction program for the Pleasant Bay Watershed.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons – No Liaisons in attendance.  Rob Harris of the CCMGA noted that the Dennis Golf Courses Handicap/GHIN will no longer be handled by the local golf course but rather now Mass Golf.  Jay Packett noted that Rob Harris is correct – beginning in 2023 that will be the case for all courses in Massachusetts. The Members Now program through Mass Golf will take effect on January 1st, 2023.  All current Handicaps will go inactive, and people will have to sign up through the Mass Golf website and renew their handicap there and select what course will be their home course.  The charge for Members now is $55 – this was a price set by Mass Golf.  People who select the Captains Golf Course as their will be on the Captains Course roster and the Professional Staff at Captains will have access to edit scores, etc.  Every individual that signs up as Captains Golf Course as their home course on Members Now, The Captains Golf Course will receive $10 from Mass Golf.  Jay Packett noted anyone with any issues please do not hesitate to contact the Professional Staff at Captains. Jay Packett also noted that when searching on Mass Golf Website you will find it as Captains Golf Course, not The Captains Golf Course and he will be sending out an email blast explaining the Handicap/GHIN changes.


Review and Approve Minutes

            10/11 – Top part of minutes was amended to fit in-person meeting. Motion to approve made by Jeff Odell with noted changes – Seconded by Andrea Johnson – unanimously approved.


Future Agenda Items and meetings (11/29) – Anne O’Connell noted that Mimi Bernardo, Donna Kalinick, and Peter Lombardi will attend the next meeting and will be reviewing the 5 Year Financial Forecast.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: – No additional matters.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.


Monday, July 15th, 2024

The Golf Courses are open, and carts are available.

18-hole carts are available up to the 3:00pm starting time.

9-hole golf carts are available up to the 5:00pm starting time.

Drinking water is available at filling stations by the clubhouse. 
