Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent,), Rob Harris (CCMGA) Susan Olin (Women’s 9 Hole Association), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Bill Meehan (Liaison to Finance Committee), Mimi Bernardo (Finance Team), Donna Kalinick (Finance Team)




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – All Golf Commissioners present and accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment – Peggy McEvoy noted that the Friends had their planning meeting and are looking for new volunteers for next year.  All information is on the Friends of Captains Website.


Financial Forecast Presentation (Mimi Bernardo, Donna Kalinick, Jay Packett) – Donna Kalinick began the Financial Forecast presentation by referencing the packet and speaking on the process for this presentation.  They have been working to create a 10 Year Capital Plan and a 5 Year Financial Forecast for the Captains Golf Course – please see the provided slides in the meeting packet for this presentation.  Jay Packett spoke about The Captains Golf Course Revenues and these numbers can be seen in the meeting packet.  Mimi Bernardo spoke about the expenses/debts and how the team arrived at the assumptions they made to help make the financial forecast. Please see the meeting packet.  Donna Kalinick spoke about the budget forecast implications of these assumptions for FY24 through FY28.  Jay Packett spoke about the National Golf Study and how it relates to the Financial Forecast.  He went over some of their recommendations and the budget implications they have.  Donna Kalinick noted that in FY24 accepting economic factors we are hopeful to come out with a surplus and add to the Capital Stabilization account to help fund future projects.  She noted there is a ceiling for revenues – there are only so many tee times and so many members. It was also noted that FY23 financial numbers will be used to adjust the forecast as FY20 and FY21 were record years.  These are all things that are considered when making the forecasts.  It was noted that this exercise is to make decisions going forward, and not all will be able to be made right now, it was reiterated how important the FY23 financial revenue data will be.  Discussion followed on the presentation.  Jeff Odell asked for clarification on retained earnings and the capital stabilization account numbers. John Kissida noted he was concerned with a 3% growth rate for revenue forecasting.  Dave Valcourt suggested adding a decision point slide and thanked everyone involved for their hard work on the presentation.  Andrea Johnson, Anne O’Connell, Wynn Morton and Rob David echoed the thanks.  Rob David noted he was also concerned on the revenue forecasting and was concerned over the ability to estimate future capital project costs.  Donna Kalanick noted that they can revisit the revenues/capital projects and talk about adjustments to the forecast.  It was noted this is the first time this has been done for the Golf Department. Donna Kalinick noted they will have to add a “decision points” slide and thanked Mimi Bernardo and Jay Packett for all their help on this project.   Anne O’Connell asked about reserves for the golf course town and Donna Kalinick and Mimi Bernardo spoke and clarified how much the Town of Brewster keeps in reserve funds.  FY23 looks to have more reserves than was anticipated.  Anne O’Connell clarified that earlier when speaking about “Keeping the status quo” that Donna Kalinick was referring to not raising FY24 Rates.  Bill Meehan gave compliments to everyone involved.  Donna Kalinick discussed the decision process in determining the revenue numbers for this forecast and talked about adjusting more conservatively.   Dave Valcourt commented that he wanted to clarify to town residents outside the golf course that the Town does not subsidize the Golf Course.


Discussion and possible vote on 2023 Rates – Jay Packett noted the next regular selectboard meeting is on December 19th for these votes to be approved.  He noted the most important vote is the Tee Time Allocation Process so the tee sheets can be built for the 2023 season by January 1st.  Anne O’Connell noted that membership changes will be looked at first as that will affect the tee time allocation.  Discussion on membership changes began first.


Discussion and possible vote on membership changes – Jay Packett recommended to include 25 new non-resident members for the 2023 Season.  Discussion followed.  Andrea Johnson moved to approve and add 25 new members from the current Non-Resident Waiting List for the golf season of 2023, Seconded by Rob David.  Unanimously approved.


Discussion and possible vote on Tee Time Allocation Process – Jay Packett recommended that the Tee Time Allocation be kept at the current allocation of 50% on one course and 25% on the other for the golf season of 2023. Jeff Odell moved to approve, Seconded by Wynn Morton.  Unanimously approved.


Discussion and possible vote on 2023 Rates – Discussion began on this topic now that Tee Time Allocation and Membership changes had been discussed.  It was determined that more information was needed before a vote could take place.  Jay Packett will update his projections with 3 separate rate increases for the Golf Commission Meeting on December 13th. Mimi Bernardo noted that as a municipality we have to show that the budget equals our costs and that you are not budgeting to make a profit – What it is that we charge for a service as a municipality should be offset by what it costs to run that department.  A Municipality is allowed to have a healthy fund balance if we can explain that there is a capital plan and that over time, we will use those reserves.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons – Dave Whitney stated that the above recommendations will be voted on at the December 19th Selectboard meeting.


Review and Approve 10/25 Minutes – Unanimously approved as amended.


Future Agenda Items and meetings (12/13) – There will be no meeting on 12/27/22


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: Anne O’Connell thanked Donna and Mimi for their time and hard work.


A motion to adjourn was made by Rob David, seconded by John Kissida, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
