Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Rob Harris (CCMGA), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn.), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn.), Ross Gorman, Vice President of the Friends of The Captains,  Ken Eisner (CCMGA), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison),  Peter Lombardi, Town Administrator, Mimi Bernardo, Finance Director, Donna Kalinick, Assistant Town Administrator




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Public Comment:


  • Ross Gorman reported the Friends spring golf tournament will be June 12th with a similar format as in past years; the website is up; there will be a logo competition.


Discussion on Select Board’s FY22 Strategic goal regarding feasibility of golf course becoming Enterprise Fund:


  • Anne O’Connell turned the meeting over to Peter Lombardi, Mimi Bernardo and Donna Kalinick. Peter Lombardi reported the Selectboard convenes for their annual retreat in the summer months which results in an updated 2-year strategic plan identifying priority projects.  For the past several years there has been a goal related to going through Captains operations and finances and making a decision as to if and when to transition to a full enterprise fund. Discussion followed regarding the necessary process to bring this forward at the Town Meeting in May of 2022 and putting the enterprise fund in place as of July 1, 2022.  Further discussion followed. Bill Meehan indicated that he feels the management and leadership of The Captains golf operation is superb and the dialogue between management of the golf operation and the management of the town is extremely positive; he has confidence in the durability and viability of golf as an enterprise account.  Anne O’Connell thanked Peter Lombardi, Mimi Bernardo and Donna Kalinick for joining the meeting.  Dave Valcourt, John Kissida and Anne O’Connell will be involved in capital planning.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Anne O’Connell thanked Colin Walsh and his team for their incredibly hard work in getting half of the course open three days after the recent storm; both courses are now open, kudos to the grounds crew.
  • Colin Walsh reported on the decisions made to bring the courses back; thanks to Rob Salisbury, Tom Flynn and the rest of the crew for their work.
  • Fall clean-up has started. The mowing schedule has been reduced; garden plants have been pruned; the irrigation system will be shut down.  Lime application will be started next week.  Sink holes have been filled.  Bunkers will be reshaped and sodded.  Number 6 has been reviewed for a forward tee.  Damaged trees have been limbed. Deep tine aerification is planned for Nov. 29 (Port) and Dec. 8 (Starboard).   OSHA training will be on Dec. 7.  Andrea Johnson commented on the beauty of the course after the storm.


Director’s report:


  • Jay Packett commented on the work done on the golf course after the storm. Kudos to Colin Walsh and the crew.
  • The budget is in good shape. The monthly comparison shows a drop between October 2020 and October 2021; the golf course is ahead of 2019.  The calendar year is up as opposed to last year  taking into consideration the golf course being closed for 7 weeks last year.  The fiscal year is down from last year due to people leaving and the storm last week.  There were more rounds played in October this year since 2006.  The Commissioners’ Cup was Sunday; very positive comments from the members of Cranberry.  Despite recent setbacks, the projection is for over one million dollars in revenue at the end of FY 2022.  Anne O’Connell requested adding a year-to-date line of projections to the spread sheet.


  • Review and vote on 2022 Calendar – various dates and events were discussed.

Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to approve the calendar for the coming golf season as proposed today with the inclusion  of the Gannon event on June 13 and with any necessary date adjustments to be at the discretion of the Director of Golf.  Motion passed 6-0.

  • Discuss and vote on outing rates.

John Kissida made a motion, seconded by Rob David, that the outing proposal rates as outlined by Jay Packett in today’s packet be recommended to the Selectboard.  Discussion followed.  Motion passed 6-0.

  • Course Operations and Concerns.

Anne O’Connell reported that the next meeting will be on November 23.  The items on the agenda so far will be voting on 2022 rates and a proposal on the tee time allocation.  These items cannot be put off any longer.  The following meeting is December 14 and that is too late to resolve these issues.  John Kissida would like to review the exact cost of play for various categories at the next meeting and why the rates are set the way they are, educating the members on the value of their memberships.  Jay Packett and Rob Harris will get accurate numbers for the next meeting  Discussion followed.



Strategic Planning Updates:


  • Postponed until the December meeting.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons


  • In answer to John Kissida’s question, Jay Packet has not yet received any information regarding payments from the solar project.


Review and approve minutes:


  • There was a correction to the minutes of October 12: the second sentence under update on restaurant RFP should read as of 4 pm today the lease has not been returned by Town Counsel.
  • A motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Wyn Morton, to approve the minutes of October 12 as corrected. Motion passed 6-0.
  • There was a correction to the minutes of October 26: the last paragraph should read Dave Valcourt suggested a survey regarding rate increases. There was a spelling correction.  For the membership should be deleted in the next sentence.
  • A motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to approve the minutes of October 26 as corrected. Motion passed 6-0.

Future agenda items and meetings:


  • 11/23 – Vote on 2022 rates.

Proposal on tee time allocations.

Cost of play in various categories.

  • 12/14 – Payments from the solar project.

Strategic planning updates.


A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Jeff Odell, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
