The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf commission held on 10/11/2011. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Rob Harris.

Commissioners present:                  Rob Harris, Chairman
                        Cindy Bingham, Vice-Chair
                        Jim Ehrhart
                        Lori Arnold
                        Anne O’Connell
                        Jeff Odell
                        Marc Fontaine

                                                            Joseph Shaw, Commissioner Emeritus


Staff present:                                     Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations
                                                            Steve Mann, Superintendent

Others Present:                                 Judy McCarthy, Women’s 18-Hole Association

                                                            Ginny O’Loughlin, Women’s 9-Hole Association

Superindentent’s Report (Steve Mann)

  • The course is in great shape.

  • Due to an injury and a retirement, we are a little behind on mowing.

  • The driving range will be closed from October 21 through October 28 for overseeding.

  • The irrigation system will be blown out during the 2nd week in November.

  • We will be investigating the possibility of entering an inter-municipal agreement for the purchase of aerifying equipment.

  • We are still working on cleaning up broken tree limbs from the storm. We will be taking down many trees this winter.

  • C. Bingham reported there was no broken tee box on Port #5 white and Port #11 red tees.

  • A. O’Connell read a suggestion from Mr. Verdina that more sand is needed in the practice bunker at the driving range.

  • C. Bingham reported that the liner is showing in the bunker on Starboard #14.

  • J. Odell said that he played several courses in the area and that our course has been cleaned better than any of the others since the storm.

  • J. Odell passed out an article he saw in The Cape Codder regarding treating phragmites with a chemical. He said he could get volunteers to do the work. S Mann said that that type of work would have to be done by a contracted company that has a license for that type of application. 



Approval of previous minutes-
Name error corrected – Metzgar and deleted name of staff member with injury.

Moved by Cindy Bingham, seconded by Jim Ehrhart. Amended minutes approved unanimously.


Association Reports:






Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):

We continue to be on pace with our FY12 projections and well ahead of FY11. Memberships are down slightly as compared to 2010. Play totals are pretty much level as compared to 2010 so the increase in revenue is completely due to the price structure that we adopted this year.

The analysis prepared by M. O’Brien regarding the effect of allowing the NEIGA to have a Sunday/Monday date in 2012 as opposed to the Monday/Tuesday they have always had was discussed. The Sunday/Monday dates (one week later than in the past) with an increased fee of $30 for the Sunday as opposed to the $15 we’ve charged in the past, results in a revenue increase of about $1,200 when compared to the Monday/Tuesday dates. J. Odell made a motion, seconded by M. Fontaine, to allow the NEIGA to hold their tournament on Sunday and Monday, October 28 and 29, 2012. The fee for the Sunday will be $30 per player and $15 per player for the Monday. The motion was approved unanimously. It was noted that this request will have to be reviewed annually. In addition, the $15 fee which has been in effect since 2000 may need to be increased in the future. C. Bingham asked M. O’Brien if he could contact area courses to see if our members could play at the reciprocal rate during the tournament. M. O’Brien felt the other courses would be willing.


Member Cart Promotion:

Rob Harris reported that based on the data collected, the promotion did not change member’s behavior in regard to the time of day they choose to play.

Membership Rates:

Rob Harris distributed a proposal to establish a structured rate schedule based upon time of day. This proposal attempts to address all relevant factors for implementing a structured rate schedule at the Captains Golf Course. A copy of the proposal is attached to these minutes.

Rob Harris said that based on the fact that this proposal produces no more revenue than our current system, he does not believe we should adopt this plan. However, it was felt that going through the analysis for this proposal did provide some valuable insights. The Commission agreed.

The proposal submitted by Frank King was also discussed and it was felt that it would not produce additional revenues either. A copy of this plan is attached as well.

As a result of the above, no action was taken in regard to membership fees for 2012.

Other Business:

Anne O’Connell read a suggestion from Peter Hall regarding providing a discount for guests of members to increase guest play. The response is we already do this.

The 2012 calendar will be discussed at the next meeting.

Televising the Golf Commission meetings was discussed. Town Hall is encouraging many committees to have their meeting televised. It would require holding the meetings at Town Hall instead of at the golf course. There is some resistance to this from the Golf Commission. Rob Harris will investigate further.

Next meeting will be November 15, 2011, 4:00.


Jim Ehrhart moved to adjourn at 5:55, seconded by Cindy Bingham. Motion approved unanimously.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
