Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Carl Blanchard (Vice-Chair), Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, Ed Pavlu, John Piemontese, and Judy McCarthy.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Jerri Carlin (Women’s 9-Hole Association), Ray DiPietro (CCMGA), Chris Hardy (Women’s 18-Hole Association), Mike Embury (Town Administrator), Jackie Ferraguto, and Jo O’Connell.


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:

  • Mike Embury, Town Administrator, presented the commission with a copy of a section of the state law regarding the use of ambulance receipts, which includes the golf course, to be kept in the golf course files for future reference.
  • Gerri Carlin, president of the 9-hole ladies association reported a successful invitational and commented on the beautiful golf course conditions. The season ends on October 27th. Regarding the Friends of the Captains, additional fencing for the comfort stations has been ordered and should be installed in approximately three weeks. Practice nets have been approved and are awaiting approval by Mark O’Brien and Pete Ervin. She stated that there has been a suggestion to set up a scholarship fund for Nauset students attending the Captains 3-day summer golf school. Mark O’Brien suggested Jay Packett and Steve Knowles be involved in this project.
  • Chris Hardy, president of the 18-hole ladies association said plans for the spring include a twice-monthly program for improvement of golf skills and knowledge. She has spoken to Jay Packett about scheduling. She also would like to ask someone from the MGA come and do a seminar about golf rules and handicaps.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Carl Blanchard received a suggestion from Judy Miller indicating many of the signs need to be replaced. Mark O’Brien will address this issue off-season.
  • Chris Hardy read her critique and suggestions regarding the design and playability of Port #8 and presented ideas for improvement. Mark O’Brien agreed it is a troublesome hole; he and Pete Ervin will address these issues when doing the capital plan. Discussion followed.
  • Regarding Pat Eggers note from the last meeting, Judy McCarthy asked for information regarding the removal of nut grass. Pete Ervin explained what nut sedge is and talked about restrictions regarding chemical treatment. Discussion followed.



Rescheduling 11/8/16 Meeting:


  • The November meeting will be on November 15 at Town Hall.



Superintendent’s Report:


  • There has been 6 inches of rain in the last couple of weeks. The rain helped with the Port aeration , but not with the Starboard aeration, causing some scars and ruts.
  • Pete Ervin discussed greens expansion: 10 Starboard, 7 fairway expanding the right side.
  • There has been some grub damage due to reducing the use of pesticides and the lack of rain.
  • Peter Ervin indicated the report to the selectmen asked for a new reel grinder, electrical service (the service failed in August) and an aerator/soil cultivator and explained the uses of the machines.
  • Pete Ervin discussed water usage and its limits. The irrigation will be blown out in mid-to-late November.


Director’s Report:


  • Mark O’Brien distributed copies of the warrant articles describing everything on the warrant. Discussion of the items and their location on the warrant followed. Town meeting is on November 14.
  • The financials were presented and discussed. Over all the year has been good.
  • The member/member tournament was good other than the fact that one day was rained out.



Restaurant Issues:


  • Ann O’Connell, Carl Blanchard and John Piemontese will be meeting to go over restaurant issues.
  • Mark O’Brien reported the Town of Barnstable hired the National Golf Foundation to do a review and market analysis of their operation. Since Captains had provided them with information they requested, they will be sharing the results of their study. Mark O’Brien will make this information available to the golf commission. Jeff Odell asked Mark O’Brien to share this information with the Finance Committee.


2017 Rates:


  • Mark O’Brien indicated he would like to make minimal increases over the next three years rather than one large increase. As far as memberships are concerned, he suggested making a $20 increase across the board. Anne O’Connell suggested a 2 per cent increase for the resident rates, not touching the non-resident rates and asked for discussion on those two concepts. Jeff Odell indicated that every time there is a rate increase, membership goes down and wondered if the benefits outweigh the loss. Discussion followed. Anne O’Connell asked that anyone having any ideas regarding rate increases present them to the golf commission in order that the rate issue can be resolved at the next meeting.
  • Jeff Odell presented a proposal for daily fees suggesting that the premium rate be extended from 9 o’clock to 10 o’clock. He also mentioned the vacation membership which had been suggested last year but not implemented. Discussion followed.
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Wyn Morton, to implement a “Free after 3” twilight round after paying 3 greens fees only as a marketing tool for the 2016-2017 season. Motion passed unanimously.




Follow Up:


  • John Piemontese has been in touch with Cape Cod Tech regarding the restroom projects. He was informed school projects are limited this year, and the restroom project could turn out to be long-range for the school to get on its agenda. His experience with school scheduling suggests this could go over to next year. Mark O’Brien will contact a contractor regarding the restrooms and hand dryers.


Future agenda items:


  • Restroom and hand dryers
  • Rates
  • Update on restaurant
  • 2017 calendar
  • Capital plan


Review and Approve 9/13/16 minutes:


  • A motion was made by Ed Pavlu, seconded by Carl Blanchard, to approve the minutes of 9/13/16 as written. Motion passed unanimously.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Ed Pavlu noticed there is not much play in the afternoons and asked if a course should be shut down during the week, keeping both open on weekends. Mark O’Brien would like to keep both courses open during October. Pete Ervin indicated it would benefit the maintenance work schedule to close one golf course Tuesday through Thursday. Mark O’Brien and Pete Ervin will make a decision regarding this matter.
  • Judy McCarthy noticed during the rain last week, the scroll under the webcam indicated both courses were open. Mark O’Brien replied that when the new website is open, this message will be delivered on the home page.
  • Carl Blanchard asked for a clock to be put on the practice green in the spring.


Wyn Morton made a motion, seconded by Judy McCarthy, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Vesperman, Senior Clerk


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
