Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, and David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations; Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent; Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn); Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison); Rob Harris (CCMGA); Dave Whitney (CCMGA) and Peggy McEvoy (Friends of The Captains)




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Public Comment:

  • Peggy McEvoy reported the clock is in, more donations have been received, the website will eventually be linked to The Captains website. There is a logo contest going on. Hopefully the tournament will be scheduled for June 12.


Course Operations Questions and Concerns:


Update on Restaurant RFP:

  • Anne O’Connell reported that as required for municipalities notice for the RFP was published in the Mass Central Register on October 20 and in The Cape Codder on October 22 and will again be published on October 29. An updated addendum to the RFP was released this morning.  Questions from bidders are due November 10 with a proposal deadline of Friday, November 19.  Notice of award will be issued by December 3.


Discuss and possible vote on recommendations related to 2022 golf season:


  • Jay Packett recommends no increase in fees for cart fees.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by John Kissida, that the commission recommend no change in cart fees for the 2022 golf season. Motion passed 7-0.
  • Currently, if members of the 18-hole women’s association and the men’s association want to play during the months of July and August, they must be early fee players. Anne O’Connell recommends this requirement be removed; Jay Packett is in favor.  Discussion followed.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Andrea Johnson, that the commission recommend allowing morning members to play before 9 ’clock during the restricted times only in the association block time events. Motion passed 6-0 with one abstention.
  • Regarding daily fee players and green fees, Jay Packett presented his recommendations which are included in this meeting’s packet. Discussion followed.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Rob David, that the commission recommend the 2022 daily fee rates as proposed by Jay Packett’s chart submitted this evening. Motion passed 7-0.
  • Regarding changes to non-resident memberships: Dave Valcourt spoke about tiered resident memberships;  John Kissida presented his view of tiered non-resident memberships.  Discussion followed.  This item will be discussed at a future meeting.
  • Flat rate membership increases as previously presented by Jay Packett were discussed. Dave Valcourt referred to fee increases as presented by the NGF.  Jay Packett discussed morning and early morning rates, collegiate memberships and junior memberships.  Discussion followed.  Rob Harris reported receiving an email from the NGF regarding rate increases and will forward a copy to the commissioners; Dave Valcourt suggested a survey proposal be made to the membership regarding the changes in rates and categories. Wyn Morton suggested adhering more to the proposals presented by the NGF.  John Kissida suggested determining the cost per play and again reviewing morning memberships.  Anne O’Connell referred to upcoming capital needs, starting to put 20 per cent of the operating budget aside and attempting to take pressure off early-morning tee times.  Jay Packett reviewed the 3 per cent increase and possible increases in merchandise purchased by the golf course.  Anne O’Connell reported Peter Lombardi and Donna Kalanick will be at the November 9 meeting.


Group Outings:


  • In answer to Rob David’s questions, Jay Packett discussed rates for group outings and recommends an increase of $5 per player, bringing the outing rate to $60 per player. Discussion followed.


Questions and comments from Associations and Liaisons:


  • Bill Meehan believes the golf operation should be an enterprise account and will assist the commission in any way he can.
  • Rob Harris and Dave Whitney commented on the meeting.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Status of the solar project. Jay Packett reported the driving range is up and running; he does not have a definitive answer as to the schedule of payments but will have this information for the next meeting.  The fence surrounding the electrical pad has been completed in the Starboard parking area.  There will be an article in the fall town warrant, to be signed off by the Town, allowing Eversource to put up their poles and maintain them for the life of the lease; this should get the system up and running by the end of the year.
  • Anne O’Connell reported the Selectboard and the Finance Committee have endorsed the projects requests.
  • Jay Packett reported that at the fall town meeting there will be a special appropriation brought forward allowing the golf department to hire a full-time custodial/maintenance person who will oversee usual custodial duties and some maintenance repairs. Regarding the status of the administrative assistant , hopefully resumes will be in by the end of November and someone will be hired by the beginning of 2022.


Future agenda items and meetings (11/9, 11/23):


11/9 – Peter Lombardi and Donna Kalanick

Membership rate increases

11/23 – Calendar

Group outing rates


A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by John Kissida, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
