Commissioners Present:            Anne O’Connell, Andrea Johnson, Carl Blanchard, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, David Valcourt, John Kissida

Captains Director of Operations:  Mark O’Brien

Captains Golf Superintendent:  Peter Ervin

Others Present:  William Meehan, Brewster Finance Committee Liaison, Jerri Carlin, Jackie Ferraguto, Paige Ferraguto, Rob Harris

This meeting was not Video-taped

Call to Order:  Chairperson Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Public Comment:   Friends of The Captains is planning to host a “Burn the Bond” cocktail party on May 10th, 2020.  (Details to follow.)

Correspondence/Suggestions:  Complimentary letter was received by Captains on a recent event held at Freemans Grill.  There was a complaint in the suggestion box about a 5-hour-plus round (no date or signature).  Mark indicated there had been a couple of bad days with large groups which were difficult to manage—he suggested people see him and he would issue a raincheck for a future round.

Supt. Report:  New hire—Bob Johnson—good experience.




Directors Report:  MGA request to hold a qualifier, one-day event (Monday – Thursday) July 9th, cart fee only event—negative revenue impact, typically hosted every five years.  Recommended.  We consider hosting in 2021.

Request for a memorial bench for Tony Germann for 8th tee Port Starboard bench—voted and approved by Golf Commission; requires Selectboard approval as well.

Financial Reports:  Handed out and discussed.  September revenues good, revenue up approximately $22,000.  Excellent final three weeks of the month—aeration also helped.  Annual revenue up against previous year.  Play total was up based on good weather

Monthly Projections Forecast:  Handed out and discussed.  Approximately $19,000 projected cash balance for FY 2020 and ending cash balance projected at approximately $32,000 which means a very small cushion—need to look at rates and fees since as much as possible has been done on expense side.

Capital Projections: (Draft) handout presented and discussed.  Expected to change significantly but needs to be submitted to Town for Capital Planning Committee, the Finance Committee and Selectboard.  Key items on current projections include building of reserve budget, equipment replacement, new irrigation system on replacement holes since original course system was updated in 2005.  Irrigation system expected life (20-25 years) and need for replacement was discussed.  Need for engineering analysis/ evaluation or irrigation system prior to replacement discussed, to understand reliability, options, replacement need, potential schedule and costs discussed.  Need for maintenance building improvements also discussed.  Committee agreed assessment studies for irrigation system and maintenance building should be first step and needs to be identified prior to implementation funding as currently shown.  FY 2022 likely ____________ available for study.  Capital expense projections and indicate need to increase revenue to cover anticipated costs.

At meeting with town administration last month, town manager indicated need for 10-year plan including establishing reserve.  Strategic plan is first step in this process.

Other important items in capital plan include clubhouse maintenance/renovation, maintenance building renovation, driving range irrigation work, other work on golf course (sinkhole, cart paths, other?)


Solar Project Update:  Has been delayed slightly.  Is in review by town attorneys and is expected to be on selectboard agenda in next couple of meetings.  Financial relationship between town and golf course still to be determined.

Recycling Update:  Selectboard passed ban on plastic bottlers starting 9/1/2020.  Exempts current contracts, but there is a fall town warrant article similar to last spring which could be problematic with Freemans Grill.

Golf course has secured some new recycling bins through DPW grant for 2-3 additional containers.  Anticipated locations range, clubhouse and snack shack (10 Port).

Vendor has been found to take current collected recycling being stored by Pete.

Cart Leases Update:  Discussed with handout by Mark (noted info from state bid).  Club Car current vendor.  New 5-year lease approximately $10,000/year increase over current lease for similarly equipped carts (no add-ons).  Second potential vendor  (Fivestar/EasyGo distributor) approximately $19,000 lower.  Current vendor has been good to work with with good service.  Mark to check further on second vendor preferences and further discuss proposals related to procurement options.  This item does not require any action by golf commission.

Kickoff discussion on 2020 rates/membership incentives.  Based on revenue projections town administration and director nor comfortable with anticipated revenue.  Desired number needs to be determined.  One rainy weekend costs $25,000.  Need to get through this year.  Last year’s 5% AFP rate increase generated approximately $60,000.  Golf Commission needs to come up with proposal for December meeting with selectboard.  Mark will put together draft proposal or discussion at next golf commission meeting.  It was suggested hat commission members send mark ideas on potential short-term revenue options.  Whatever commission recommends there will need to be public education program on need for revenue increase and likely AFP membership increases, strategic communication to membership will be critical.

The next meeting will be at town hall and be televised.

Strategic Plan Discussion:  (Delayed to future meeting due to time constraints.)

September Meeting Minutes:


Motion for Meeting Adjournment:










Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
