Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, John Kissida, and David Valcourt


Others Present: None




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Anne O’Connell announced that Colin Walsh has been hired as the new Golf Course Superintendent for the Captains Golf Course. He was formerly the superintendent at Blue Rock GC and he will be starting at Captains on September 14, 2020.


Discuss and Possible Vote on Captains Strategic Plan:


  • Dave Valcourt discussed the Strategic Plan that was distributed previously to the Golf Commission.
  • Anne O’Connell questioned the use of the word “recapitalization” in the plan. She did not feel that communicated properly the message. It was agreed to replace “recapitalization” with “repair, improvement or replacement”.
  • Dave Valcourt asked how the vision statement in the plan should be distributed/communicated. Anne suggested that it be posted on the Captains Golf Course web site.
  • Dave Valcourt made a motion, seconded by John Kissida, to adopt the Captains Strategic Plan with the minor verbiage changed noted above. Motion approved 5-0-0.


Discuss and Possible Vote on Modified Swim Lanes and Responsible Commissioners:


  • Dave Valcourt discussed the six Swim Lanes that were distributed previously to the Golf Commission.
  • Discussion followed to clarify the items that fall within each Swim Lane.
  • The responsible Commissioners and finalization of the responsibilities within the Swim Lanes will be an on-going process.
  • Carl Blanchard made a motion, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adopt the Swim Lanes with the changes to Swim Lanes #4 and #6 as discussed. Motion passed 5-0-0.


Discuss and Possible Vote on Internal Swim Lane Prioritized Requirements:


  • Dave Valcourt presented the Internal Swim Lane Prioritized Requirements that were previously distributed to the Golf Commission.
  • Anne O’Connell suggested that a signage be added as a responsibility. It was suggested that it be moved to Wyn Morton’s Swim Lane.
  • It was determined that more work and input is needed to finalize the Prioritized Requirements. This will be followed up on at a future meeting.


Discuss Golf Commission Execution Calendar:


  • Anne O’Connell gave an overview of the Town’s budgeting calendar.
  • Dave Valcourt stated that the Commission should use the Town’s calendar to determine when the Commission needs to have their identified priorities ready for presentation.
  • Discussion followed regarding ways to distribute to the public the Golf Commission’s plans and priorities. Utilizing the Town’s email system was discussed and all felt that this was a good idea.
  • Dave Valcourt will draft a calendar for the Commission to be presented at a future meeting.


What are we missing in Strategic Plan?


  • Dave Valcourt suggested adding “pathway to an enterprise fund” as an addition to the Strategic Plan.
  • Discussion followed regarding the new demographics opened up by the COVID pandemic regarding golf demand.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Dave Valcourt, and passed 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 5:41 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Mark O’Brien

Director of Operations



Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
