Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), Dave Valcourt (Vice-Chair), Anne O’Connell, Jim Juras, John Kissida,


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations); Colin Walsh (Superintendent); Bill Meehan (finance committee); Rob Harris (CCMGA); Ross Gorman (Friends of the Captains), Mary Berzinis (18 Hole Women’s Association)


This meeting was video recorded. The meeting may be viewed at Golf Commission 9-10-2024 (


  1. Call to Order
  2. Declaration of a Quorum – Five commissioners were present.
  3. Meeting Participation Statement
  4. Recording Statement – As required by the Open Meeting Law, we are informing you that the Town will be video and audio taping as well as broadcasting this public meeting. In addition, if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting, they are required to inform the Chair.


  1. Public Comment – None.
  2. Update on Financials – Jay Packett
    1. Budget status – two items currently not included are the Transfer to Capital Stabilization Fund & Indirect costs. The Finance Dept should have this by the end of September. This month is $108k ahead of August 2023. 2024 is $271,000 ahead of 2023, Membership revenue is $37.5k, Green fees are $117k ahead, Cart fees are $28k ahead, and restaurant revenue is $50k. Fiscal year – $174k increase from 2023 overall, green fees increased $118k, cart fees $43k increase. August 2024 overall had over $900k in revenue. FY25 projections by month – a healthy end-of-year fiscal balance is visible.2024 Calendar year play totals – $67,057 to date. July and August 2024 combined showed 33,058 rounds of golf.
    2. The question of general expenses being almost 7% higher than 2023 was raised. The electrical costs, credit card expenses, and cart leases were noted as the possible reasons for this.


  1. Update on Golf Operations – Jay Packett
    1. Thanks to Colin Walsh as Superintendent as well as his staff for their dedication and hard work towards our courses was recognized.


  1. Update on Golf Course Conditions and Staffing – Colin Walsh
    1. Aeration of the Starboard course is underway. Tom Flynn, Rob Salisbury, Randy Jamieson, Jeff Hemeon, John Green, and the rest of the team were recognized for their hard work in keeping the course looking as good as it does. Portside will be aerated next week. After aeration, a laser grader, cart path, and drainage will be projects. Water use allocation is being watched during this very dry period.
    2. The annual permit for the water amount is expected to be surpassed. Jim McLaughlin from the Southeast Regional DEP office has been contacted, and he is aware. The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program helps golf courses implement and document environmental management plans, and we are currently members.
    3. A contract with Weston and Sampson has been offered regarding water source and supply, well development, pond construction, stormwater management, and water storage. The hope is that they begin their 6-month contract by October 2024.
    4. Conversation regarding driving on the greens rather than paths continued as the issue is ongoing.


  1. Calendar – Jim Juras
    1. Capital projects, meetings, and items received from the town were added to the calendar. There is room to make it more extensive, but a simple approach is suggested at this time.


  1. Commission Handbook – Anne O’Connell
    1. A clerk for the Golf Commission is needed. The next agenda is to include the election for a clerk.
    2. An Item for discussion is whether the standard agenda for Golf Commission business meetings should be included. It was suggested to keep it as is.
    3. The recommendation to have daily play, cart rental, and driving range fees, as well as outing rates to the Select Board by November 30th was made. Discussion followed regarding meeting opportunities in December and subsequent opportunities to meet with the Select Board to finalize the annual financial structure for these items. December 15th was suggested as a date to vote on rates, which was agreed upon by others.
    4. Dave Valcourt asked to go on record that there is ambiguity regarding the level of responsibility of the Golf Commission.
    5. Anne asked for additional items or recommendations to be sent to her for her incorporation.
    6. Rob Harris suggested adding the commission email address.


  1. Discussions of Input to State of the Captains (SOC) – David Valcourt & Anne O’Connell
    1. Some golfers were polled to ask what they would like to hear from the commission, suggestions were listed and the next steps were discussed. Anne offered to begin the process and have a first draft by September 20th for review.


  1. Capital Expenditures vs. Capital Appropriations – Jay Packett and Anne O’Connell
    1. Jay reviewed the capital spending allocations, expenditures, and remaining balances for FY22 – FY24. FY22 – Jay reviewed, most are complete. FY23 – most are still ongoing or at the beginning stage. The commission mentioned suggestions for future clarification. FY24 – smaller projects have begun but much of the spending will be done through the winter and spring months.


  1. Review and Approve Minutes 8.13.24 and 8.27.24 – Both sets were approved as amended.



  1. Future agenda items and minutes for 9.24.24
    1. The election of the clerk
    2. Capital Improvement Plan requests are due on 9.23.24. Jay will include the CIP forms
    3. The new commissioner will be approved on the 23rd and therefore should be attending the meeting.


  1. Questions/Comments from Liaisons and Associations
    1. Ross Gorman informed the chair that the Friends tournament for Sunday is full.
    2. Bill communicated an update that the finance committee reorganized. He is still the liaison to the golf commission at this time and will communicate any changes.
    3. Mary Berzinis, 18 Hole Women’s Association, informed the committee of their tournament season fundraising.



  1. Matters not reasonably anticipated by the chair.
    1. Course Superintendent was informed that the divot box on the 14th hole on the Port course has not been filled.
    2. Brewster Volunteer Fair is Friday, October 4th. The Commission will be represented by the chair and 2 other representatives are requested.




Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
